Friday, 8 March 2013

Reverse Engineering

For this project my group and I decided to remake a clip from the film School of rock. We chose the scene including many characters in the classroom with the teacher explaining and telling them how to rock. We took this original clip and broke it down and analysed all the different shots by writing up the script and putting the shots and directions next to it. The clip had to be around one minute long and we had to replicate this as closely as we could. We had to film, edit and add in any sound effects used into the film we have made ourselves. We all got given our parts in the film, and we had to change our vocals to hopefully match the way the actors in the real clip said it. We also tried to use as many props in the scene as possible, still trying to keep the small details in the film scene. Before we started filming we all had our separate responsibilities to take 20 seconds from the clip each and write down all the shots ready to go on to the shot list and script. Everyone designed a story board with drawing and detailed descriptions of the shots so that it made it easier to use when filming the real thing. We also had to take note of the depth of field whilst having the camera in manual setting. We got all the resources that we could ( drums, keyboard, tables, chairs, guitar) just to make the scene seem more realistic. We than began to film in the music block classroom because it had some of the basic objects that we needed to use. We realised after we had filmed that we had made quite a few mistakes but there wasn't much time to adjust these small errors.We realised that in some of our shots we had not had the camera on a manual setting and that we hadn't checked the white balance before filming, meaning that whilst they were filming it made the characters look like they were surrounded in white ( the look of being in heaven) which didn't match the real film. We also noticed that some certain lines from the script were said wrong, this was due to not writing the script up properly or just not reading them out correctly whilst performing. A few lines hadn't been filmed due to a un organised schedule of what we had filmed and what hadn't been done yet, therefore we ended up missing some key oints that needed to be in the film, leading to having to redo them with just a simple voice over.

Our group made a few mistakes in the organisation of the filming process. We hadn't written a full detailed shot list which meant that it took a longer time to get filming since we were checking the real film clip before every shot that we took. We also hadn't learnt our lines, making the process longer still since we would have to check the script before every shot as well. Our group talked a lot whilst we had the time to film, so i think that we need to cut down on the amount that we chat to each other when we have little time to get certain shots. We had drinks on us whilst filming which could of caused damage on the camera and the technical items in the room, but luckily we didn't spill anything.

Our group made some mistakes on technical issues which we should work on such as not checking and preparing the camera before filming. One of our shots had a very high white balance making me look like i was in 'heaven'. We also left our teacher to check the batteries in the camera due to time limits but we should check the camera charge out before we film.

Some issues we found with our communication was when people were absent from school due to illness or sports matches. This made it very hard to get certain shots which were needed, meaning that we had to delay it to another day. Some people in the group were not as involved on the camera as others were, meaning that more people were doing certain jobs than others. Sometimes people got a little bit annoyed with the attitudes of other members in the group but they were easily sorted out.

Group dynamics 
It took our group quite a long time to decide what film clip we should redo, because some people were being quite indecisive, although when we did find one we were all really happy with our choice. Sometimes we got a bit bored and tired of redoing the scene's over because of some of our silly mistakes we made on the first day of filming but we eventually got it done. Apart from that, our group go along really well and shared different jobs to help getting the film done faster.