Tuesday, 4 December 2012

The kuleshov effect:
In the 1910s and 1920s, Lev Kuleshov was a famous Russian filmmaker curious about how audiences responded to film. The Kuleshov effect is when an actor has a plain facial expression towards what is going on around him or her. e.g - A man is dying and someone is just looking at him with no facial expression. Then it would cut to a chocolate bar and then back to the face with no expression... etc. 
This effect makes the audience bring their own emotions towards these things other than the actor doing it. It was a way of communicating with the audience through emotions and making them feel the strength of the film through their own emotions. 

Eisenstein montage :

Eisenstein is a great film maker.
Metric montage - the length of duration of film in a montage, uneven clips put together to make a certain effect or making the clips have regular intervals.
Rhythmic structure, adding the complexity that you not should have in the metrical montage.  Unsincronised feet etc....
Tormal montage, insert melody to make emotion, using light in particular ways in shot ( thrill, joy, gloom) Light patterns making chaos.
Overtormal montage, the texture of the objects in the shot, the effect the light has on the objects. The way a light could touch someones clothes.
intellectual montage-